Sunday, June 24, 2007

Mom and Dad's Last Day

So last night something crazy happened. We were waiting for the lift, and an old Italian lady tumbled down the stairs in front of us. There was a rumble, and I looked up in time to see a flying ball of black crash in to the wall. Lucky the wall was there, actually. There was some yelling, and the poor lady sat up with the most dazed expression on her face. Had it been a cartoon, stars would have circled her head. Everybody made sure she was okay, and then we tried to stop watching. The elevator arrived and we got on and started laughing. I know, it was terrible.

This morning we got up, ate breakfast, and left Amalfi. It was sad, driving away. Our sweet mid-sized Beamer was full to the brim with the three of us, four suitcases, and two backpacks. Our ride to Rome was far more successful than our first try. Check out the road signs, and see if you wouldn't get a little confused. We were headed to Sorrento.
We stopped in Sorrento for lunch. Most things were closed, as it was Sunday and still a little early. We found an open bar/patisserie that offered sandwiches. We should have suspected it when they came in plastic containers. This was by far the worst lunch we have had on the trip. Dad's prosciutto and cheese sandwich was missing the ham and had tomatoes instead. Mom's bread was wet. I had a pile of napkins taller than my sandwich, trying to wipe the mayonaise off. The waiter guy came and looked shocked: "No? Butter?" Ewww.

Dad got nervous when we left the car in a garage. Would we be able to get it out? Even as I tell him I'm writing this, he justifies--"I saw no place to pay! It was Sunday..." Oh boy. The automated machine was in the next parking spot over, and we--hooray!--left the garage without problem. We stopped again in Sorrento when Mom's eagle eyes spotted a open laundromat. Clean clothes! Thank you, Lord, I smell good again. I'm ready for round 2. To make sure everything got clean, I wore Mom's sweet polka dot dress.

We had a good time recapping the trip today. We've really enjoyed ourselves. This has been a huge adventure for us. We've not done many sightseeing vacations prior to this, so we had a learning curve. Dad has found things to be stressed about along the way (tonight's is whether or not they're for sure booked on the flight out of Rome tomorrow). Still, he says he's glad my mom "brought him." He's actually a great traveler; the language barrier has just been killer. Wish them Happy Anniversary tomorrow (June 25)--it's their 30th. I love and appreciate them a ton, and I'm sad to see them leave. The posts from here on may be a little shorter since I'll be paying for time at internet cafes. I'll keep you updated, though. Keep emailing and posting your comments--it's great to hear from you.

Here are a few fun pictures that didn't make the cut before:
Eating tartuffe aka "Death by Chocolate" in Rome

They know you're from out of town, so signs here are very expressive

Taylors are number 1--this time, at cards


Unknown said...


Tomorrow beings a new part of your European adventure! Be safe we will pray for you daily I am sure that you will soak up everything that the museums have to offer! I can't wait to read about the things you do! We will miss you and wait for your return home. Love, Mom

Eddie said...

Just so you feel better, I was laughing about the old lady falling - instantly. Falling down is universally funny.

Have fun on the solo part of the trip. Be fabulous, drink lattes in chic little cafes, wear black, write in a tiny journal, and try not to break every heart over there. Honestly, I hope this time alone is good for you in many ways. Though I will miss the daily updates.

Safe journey,

Unknown said...

Hey Em,
We had a good day even though we didn't make much progress toward home. Hope you, Adam, Caycee and Nick have a great time. Have at least one more gelato for me. Can't wait for our next adventure (a little closer to home, I don't need the stress). Be careful and we'll see you soon.
Love you,