Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Here are a couple of pictures from yesterday: me arriving really late and the sweaty train, and new friends, Alex and Katrina.

Things have worked out very well. I met Adam, Casey and Nick Vu at the train station yesterday. It was a relief to see them. We basically immediately boarded a train to Milan, heading to Switzerland. On the train we met some nice older people who hadn't been able to book first class tickets. We ate some incredible pizza in Milan and then boarded the train to Interlaken.

We had to change trains in Speitz. We were playing cards on the train, though. Nick and I taught Adam and Casey hearts, and then we were playing a loud and funny game of BS. Adam happened to look at his watch, and realized we were already supposed to be at Speitz. We were afraid we had missed it. Then we noticed we were slowing down. Casey looked at the ladies who were sitting next to us and asked, "Speitz?" like "Sp-eye-tz?" The older lady shook her head; she and her friend had been speaking German. Casey said it again, "Speitz?" and kind of motioned, is this coming up? The ladies looked at one another, then a light bulb came on: "Shhpitzsz!" Yes, she said, this is is. "Brr..." she said, and rubbed her arms. Oh boy. Casey was wearing a tank top.

It was dang cold outside, and we quickly realized this was just the beginning. We made it to Interlaken, and then caught the little train just in time up the mountain to Lauderbrunnen. Rob Larkin met us outside the train 9:40pm. He supplied us with some chocolate, which was a treat. He pointed out the first of many waterfalls we'd see in the area. We went back with him to Valley Hostel, got our sheets and duvet covers, and headed to bed.

The hostel is pretty nice. It's a mixed dorm room with bunk beds. Having been looking forward to getting out from rooming with my snoring mom, I of course end up next to the loudest snorer ever. He was one of those guys who snores in and gasps out like Darth Vader: "Coh." He rolled over and I though, yes, sweet relief. But the snoring only got louder.

It was a sweet bed, though, and I had a great night's sleep. We woke up, ate some breakfast, and went to look for warm clothes. I didn't have much with me that could stand getting wet, and it drizzled all day. I bought a fleece and a beanie. I may need another pair of pants, but hopefully not.

We hiked down to Interlaken today. Even though it was mostly downhill, it was a long walk. We walked 2 and a half hours along the river, enjoying the views. Surrounded on both sides by mountains, the sky misting rain, everything green, I felt fresh and alive. We passed cows with their famous bells. We ate at a tea room in Matten, because when we finally hit this little town before Interlaken it was 2:30 and we were tired and hungry. I had the kids' weinerschnitzel and fries. Very yummy.

We walked down the rest of the way into Interlaken, stopped in a few shops (chocolate!). We got some groceries and took the train back up to Lauderbrunnen. Casey and I took showers while the boys made dinner. It was sort of a strange hodge-podge pasta dish, but it was tasty. Rob made fresh guacamole, and that was dang good. Tomorrow I think we're going to head up the mountain, which may be a little crazy. It will be cold, at least.


Unknown said...

It looks like Switzerland is much colder! I'm really glad that you are with your friends. Eat something yummy for me! Love, Mom

mary anne mclaurin said...

Emily, you should have considered WRITING as a career!!! I am having the BEST time reading about your European adventures!

Have fun, and keep WRITING!!!

Love ya,

Mary Anne